mobile 021 781 873

Anne Conroy



Anne Conroy


mobile 021 781 873


Traditionally an informal and simple ceremony, the Celtic handfasting is enjoying something of a renaissance, as a stand-alone ceremony of commitment. It is a chance for couples to be truly creative, with guests fully engaged and involved in the ceremony. Venues are flexible, particularly those with spiritual significance.


The expression “tying the knot” stems from the original handfasting, with the couple’s hands fastened by ribbons or cords, preferably made by the couple themselves with colours and threads that are symbolic of their intentions and echoing their vows.


The elemental components, honouring the four directions, as well as acknowledging and honouring the ancestors, are all part of the handfasting which makes for a very personal and intimate ritual, extending connections to beyond the apparent world.


If this sounds like the type of ceremony you would like, then please contact me

“Upon this day, our hands we bind,

A symbol of our hearts entwined.

To witness this, we ask of thee,

Our union forever blessed be.”



Our Celtic hand fasting was a surprise for the guests at our party. Anne cleverly wove a story around the ceremony and drew all the listeners in until the real reason for her presence was revealed. Anne took all our interests and wishes to heart and created a commitment ceremony which was relevant, and beautifully crafted. Anne was a very special person to have involved in our hand fasting.  Anna & Shane

Member of the Order of
Bards Ovates and Druids

Creating meaningful ceremonies and lasting memories

Certificate in Applied Grief Studies  | Certificate in Celebrant Studies 
Diploma in Creative Writing  | Diploma in Children's Literature 
Veriditas Trained Labyrinth Facilitator